There are several ways to access Windows shares from a Mac, but some are better than others. Up until today I have run SMB sharing all the way, figured it was the easiest and cleanest way to do it atleast with up to date Macs. Today I came across a site where I couldnt easily do that though, so I desided to give File sharing services for Macintosh a go to see how it works.
First of all you install the service itself on the Windows server. Add/Remove programs (run appwiz.cpl to make it quicker), Windows components, Other network file and print services, and then add File Services for Macintosh. When you do, the appletalk protocol will be installed automatically and it might require a restart depending on your system. When you're ready, go into Network connections, properties on your default network, and then choose properties on your new AppleTalk protocol. This is to ensure that you bind appletalk to the correct NIC incase you have more, even disabled ones.
Now, you have your appletalk and you have your sharing, its about time to share something. This is where I messed about a bit before I found the correct way to do it. Go into Computer Management and Shared Folders. This is where you create the magic.
Rightclick and select New Share, press Next and then type in or browse to the folder you want to share, then press Next. It will default come up with SMB share name, but you have to manually select to share it for Apple users, so go ahead and mark the checkbox for Apple, and then choose Next. Now, this is where you need to think straight. Some places you have Everyone full control, other sites you have very stright control over permissions. If you use Custome Share permissions you have pretty much all the control you want over the shares, so just go ahead and choose what level you want, either with the predefined ones, or by custom settings. When you have done, choose Finish and then Close to get rid of the Wizard.
After you're done, you will see that you now not only have the normal Windows share, but you also have an Apple share marked with a small computer sign on the share itself. What you need to do now is to rightclick the Apple share and choose Properties, and then remove the mark on "This volume is Read Only", or you'll have a hard time using the share for anything useful.
Thats about it, test your connections with your Macs, go into your Finder, press Apple-K or use your menu to get to the right place, add your IP into the servername and press Connect and your shared apple folders should appear in your list, and then choose which one you want to mount.
Nothing more to it.